Why do I have to come with other dads I know?

Our goal is not to provide a mountain top experience for you and your son here in Alaska, rather a kickoff to a multi year discipling of your son. A band of brothers is crucial for this journey. You will need other men around you as you navigate his heart, you experience opposition from the enemy, and as your son looks for and needs other figures in his life to speak into him besides you. A community of men is powerful and critical for this journey. We require at least 1 other dad and son accompany you but suggest 3 or more. As the saying goes "If you want to run fast, run alone. If you want to run far, run together."

How long is the trip?

This is a 6 day 6 night program, Wednesday - Tuesday each summer week from June 12 - August - 13.

How much does it cost?

Cost is $3,000.00 per person w/ a discount of $1,000.00 for a second son. This costs include all flights, food, lodging from Anchorage, Alaska. Basically, you get to Anchorage and we cover the rest.

When can I come?

Our program run from June 12th - August 13th. From Wednesday - Tuesday, every week.

Contact us for availability

Text or call: 918.633.8200

How long does it take to get there?

Typical travel time is one full day.

We recommend a flight arriving into Anchorage before 2pm on Wednesday of your chosen week. Your connecting flight from Merril Field in a puddle jumper departs at 3:30pm for direct transport to the small bush community of Port Alsworth. From there the team will pick you up and transport you via boat 20 miles east to the Lodge.

We recommend budgeting 8 total days for the camp experience and travel. Depending on your origin of departure, you may have to arrive in Anchorage at Ted Stevens International Airport on Tuesday, a day before the program starts in order to make the afternoon flight to the Island Lodge on Wednesday.

How do I get to the island lodge/Quarry Project?

You will fly commercially into the Ted Stevens Intn’l airport followed by a small commercial puddle jumper flight to the small bush community of Port Alsworth. You will be greeted by the QP staff upon arrival and load up in boats to make your way to the Island Lodge where you will call “home” for the next 6 days.

How far in advance do I need to sign up?

Registration is currently open for summer 2024. We currently have 3 open weeks left. Please contact us immediately if you are interested.

Text or call: 918.633.8200

What are the age restrictions?

The Quarry Project accepts boys from age 10 - 18. In the event you are in a mixed cohort we will attempt to group ages accordingly.

Is there something like this for my girls?

Great question- our hopes and dreams are to have a program for daughters as well one day. We started with fathers and son's first for one main reason, they are the leaders and future leaders of our Christian homes. We aim to build strong men who will go onto lead our churches, our communities, and our country.

Do I have to come to The Quarry Project to start the Primal Path?

You do not, but what better way to kick off or christen your sons journey into manhood than with an epic adventure in Alaska?

If you choose to not attend the QP, you can begin the Primal Path journey whenever you feel lead. Visit primalpath.co to see more information about starting this discipleship journey with your son.

What happens if my I, or my son, is injured or becomes ill while at the QP?

The Quarry Project is prepared to handle most common injuries and illnesses. We will have wilderness first responder certified staff on site and will maintain strong relationships with the local healthcare facility in Port Alsworth, a 30 minute boat ride away. For common first aid, including small cuts, bruises, and the like, our staff will attend to you or your son. If you or your son require a higher level of care, we will first ensure that they receive the care they need and will then proceed with collaborating with local health care providers.

What about safety?

The Quarry Project takes safety seriously, but there are real risks involved in our program. Danger and risk can be formative if it’s respected and admonished. Here’s our risk management statement: by nature, there is risk involved in Wilderness activity, and the Quarry Project program. Our programs and trips require living in tents, cabins, washing in the lake, physical challenges, wild animals, uneven, terrain, wild forest, severe weather, and riding in motor boats as means of transportation to and from the camp. Backpack and canoe trips into the wilderness may involve swimming at sites not inspected by the State of Alaska and with remote access to emergency medical facilities (24 hours or more). Some food is prepared by counselors and campers. Dietary restrictions are accommodated by staff members who are not food service professionals. Staff and campers assume these risks together, recognizing that valuable growth comes from learning how to identify hazards and adapt, behavior, not only at The Quarry Project, but also for a lifetime of enjoying outdoors.

At the Quarry project, we teach the recognition and management of risks and hazards in the wilderness. Two weeks of staff training include certification in Wilderness, first aid, lifeguarding, CPR, and emergency procedures, as well as skills for leading wilderness activities. Deerfoot has a Wilderness first responder staff member who lives at the camp full-time. All waterfront activities are supervised by certified lifeguard or water safety instructor a doctors physical exam within two years is required before coming to The Quarry Project. Since fathers will be in attendance, they will supervise the administration of any medication their son needs.

What qualifications will counselor/guides have?

Guides will have functioned in a similar role with another organization or outfitter, or have participated in The Quarry Projects two week guide training program to thoroughly cover hard skills (navigation, safety, cooking) and soft skills (content, counseling, content group).

Guides/counselors will have prior knowledge of the activities, curriculum, and routes to and from destinations in Lake Clark National Park. Additionally all guides are trained in way points navigation, wilderness emergencies, contact protocol and evacuation plans.

Guides maintain compliance with leave no trace ethics and are certified in Wilderness first aid or higher in CPR.

What is physically required on a trip?

There is no minimum physical ability to complete a week at QP. However, some physical activities are highly encouraged and will require good health and stamina. You should have an updated physical and doctors consent for strenuous hikes and cold water plungers. Please make us aware of any known medical conditions.

What does the itinerary look like?

Great Question! See the sample day itinerary below:

Day 1 Theme: From Ease to Difficulty

Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:11

• 07:30 - Wake up & Calisthenics/Polar Plunge

• 08:00 - Breakfast

• 08:45 - Devotional

• 09:15 - 12:00 - Dads-Only Session / Boys Activities/Training OR Group Adventure

• 12:00 - Lunch @ camp or off-site

• 12:30 - FOB/Quiet time OR 1v1 time with father-son

• 13:30 - Group activities or adventure

• 18:00 - Dinner @ camp or off-site

• 19:00 - Evening activity or training (i.e.backing trailers)

• 20:45 - Evening Lesson (Joseph character study)

• 22:00 - Lights out (sorta...the sun doesn't set :)

Can I bring more than one son?

Yes! Each additional son receives a reduced rate of $2,000.00 for the week.